The answer to this simple question is yes. But answering to the question why is not so easy and simple.

Today there is no way of escaping commercials anymore. Think about it! Every day you get exposed to a tsunami of on-and offline ads. Print ads, Brand labels, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, ads on your phone, name it they will do anything to get your attention or to compel you to buy. It’s estimated we see 5000 marketing messages per day. When you see this amount, you can tell that online marketing is overwhelming us and it becomes annoying.

But what has digital marketing to do with it? Well digital marketing has become more and more important for today’s brands and businesses. An example of this technology is search engine optimization (SEO) this is a marketing strategy where you try to increase the traffic to your website by writing a content to improve the search engine rankings of your website.

What about offline marketing? Offline marketing is today less popular than online marketing. But a study shows that 69% of the adults still trust their newspaper and it is estimated that 54% of the customer are more persuaded buying a new product when they see it in a newspaper or magazine.

Still it is important that we find a balance between on- and offline marketing for the exciting customer experiences of our clients.

Do you use any online marketing? If you are not you should! And we can help you with that. As a partner of us you can be redirected from our page to your webpage. This means you will have more website visitors that will turn out in more brand awareness which leads to more clients.

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