Everything is about networking these days. Big posters, flyers, invitations they will do everything to convince you to go to their networking event. I must say they must put a lot of effort in it.

But about what is it then? Did you succeed if you make a LinkedIn connection with everybody in the room by the end of the event? Or maybe if you gathered as much business cards as possible? I don’t think it works that way. We may need another approach. What if I told you it is all about sharing ideas, ways to open doors to new opportunities and much more.

Why is it so important? Like Sharma once said: “People do business with people and not with companies”. So at networking events, you have the chance to build business relations. At such an event you could maybe meet someone who can help you broaden your horizon. Or you might meet someone who could be your next potential partner. All important facts to think about.

If you are excited and can’t wait until your next networking event I have good news for you. We as New Work Offices organize a Networking Meetup. When? The 9th of November at our business center Anker. Why you should be there? You will get the opportunity to be in contact with experts, team leaders, CEO’s, freelancers, photographers,…
The evening will be presented by Irma Horvath who will give an interactive presentation about solution-focused change management. During this, our expert will give examples which shows ways to be more efficient regarding this topic.

For more information click on this link: https://goo.gl/forms/dgRijg0hSjbwFVuo1
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheNewWorkLabs/


See you there!

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